As you grow through life, you accumulate beliefs that cause limits to your mindset. Those limiting beliefs cause you to stop taking calculated risks, you avoid not thinking through ideas and concepts properly, you have a shorter than normal fuse, and you repel opportunities.

To achieve a next level mindset, you need to allow the release of old patterns and beliefs. This allows you to achieve your greatest level of self expression and profitability in your business.

In this 8 week Mindset upgrade experience you will empower the 4 primary quotients that are key to your success in both life and business.

These quotients are IQ, SQ, EQ & MQ.

IQ (Intelligence Quotient). This is a number representing a person’s reasoning ability as compared to the statistical norm. Stays constant through life. Essentially “Common Sense, Recall and Thinking processes”.

SQ (Stress Quotient). This is a measure of your Survive/Thrive response. There are three main stress modes:

1.Low stress (Low Performance) – This lowers IQ

2.Eustress (Optimal or Peak Performance) – This enhances your IQ, awareness, mental focus and acuity.

3.Excess Stress / Distress (Overwhelm = Poor performance) – This significantly reduces your IQ

EQ (Emotional Quotient). This is your Self awareness, self management, social awareness, and relationship management self. This quotient develops from Childhood. It is your ability to develop relationships and your self-awareness. Its your WHOLE self. EQ can be enhanced easily with the correct EQ mindset processes.

MQ (Metaphysical Quotient). The most Mystical of all the quotients. It is the spiritual part of us. Our Intuition, ESP, 6th Sense, or GUT Self (General Unified Theory). It is our deeper levels of awareness and our expanded senses. Our “Spidey Senses” if you like.

All these 4 Quotients need to be in BALANCE. You need to develop the inner skills to balance your SQ, EQ and MQ with your IQ in order to have wholistic balance. If you are out of balance, you’ll have a bumpy ride.

The 8-Step Coaching Program allows you to regain the purity and balance you had at birth before all the programs of life were laid upon you.

To have a chat with Steven Bettles about Upgrading Your Quotient Mindset CLICK HERE

I wish you an empowered journey!